Where do my loved ones go when they die? Thank you for taking the time to read this! I originally wanted to write this blog about death and dying and what to do to help the ones who have passed on who in our opinion may require some help. (See my October 2019 Blog Post) However, after a short walk to clear my mind, I realised that the Angels had something to say about it and here is what came through: Perceive everything as streams of consciousness, light, colours, beautiful sound like a symphony, all existing beyond all time and space as you understand it, all perfect. When we see all sentient and non-sentient beings, we see an infinite web of light and pulse, interconnected, One. This web reaches into all matter, into the rocks and crystals of your planet and also into all the atoms and dark matter of space. It is endless and crosses into the realms of non-form. Whatever state you are in, be it spirit or incarnate in a body, you are still consciousness, Divine Consciousness. When your consciousness leaves your body, it searches to travel along your web to move into higher states so that you can decide what else you want to do. You may decide to engage in further learning to understand the choices you made in the previous life, you may work with the Angels in other capacities or you may require what you call healing. All this depends on the state of your mind and consciousness when you leave your body. Despair, anger, desire and other emotions which form from attachments to your life just passed can interrupt your journey along the web towards the goal all consciousness just freed from their incarnation want to arrive at: the Soul Family. The attachments are of a vibration much lower than that which is required for the journey through the dimensions above the one which you resided during your incarnation on Earth. There is no focus on the goal which is the return of the consciousness to the Soul Family. When the focus is the return to the Soul Family, the consciousness travels effortlessly along the lines of its web and reaches the appropriate dimension and there is a joyful reunion, healing and learning too if necessary. Throughout this time, your Angel guides and the Ascended Ones and even your Earth family deceased before you surround you and whisper for you to be still, to connect to your Soul and to follow the path in front of you. However, if there are attachments, the consciousness is unable to perceive their Spirit guides and ancestors easily, they cannot perceive the path or the light which beckons them: it is as if there is a mist and the way is hidden. The consciousness gets lost in its construct of its attachments as out of material form, creating at this level is instantaneous, creating the illusion that what the consciousness is experiencing is truly real, but it is not: it is merely a construct of the mind. This mind is not focused on Soul and Spirit. It is weighed down by its attachment to the material realm and cannot travel to the Soul Family. There have been many gifts given to the cultures of Earth over the millennia: this gift is the path of the consciousness towards home, devoid of attachment. Instead, focus like diamond light toward the Soul Family. And I believe that this channel has some of these teachings we have gifted to you to share. Know that your Soul Family and the Angelic Kingdom of Light are always with you. We love and hold you in the highest esteem for your light shining here to all on Earth. We have seen many of you reaching your Soul Families and rejoice! We have seen many of you caught in the game of illusion and still we speak to you and know that you will reach your Soul Family. I know that you can hone your focus through the art of meditation to train your consciousness to travel the web to your family. We know that you will all eventually reach your Soul Families, the journey is in itself a learning, so do not be anxious or despair for your loved ones who may have passed tragically or suddenly or for your future self when the time arrives. We will never leave you, we are always with you and always will be with you. Metatron Articles which may be of interest: Kevin Core, the co-founder of Angelic Reiki and you can access it on: https://angelicreikiinternational.com/death-and-dying-a-spiritual-perspective/ I also found a good article on how to help someone die in a beautiful, loving way: https://www.lamayeshe.com/article/how-benefit-dying-and-dead How to help the ones who have passed in a tragic way: https://www.samyeling.org/buddhism-and-meditation/teaching-archive-2/rob-nairn/helping-the-dead/ Will I Ever Meet My Departed Loved One Again, by Rae Calnan This is a question I think most of us have asked at some point in our lives when someone close to us has passed away and we are missing them so much.
Going to see a medium or visit a spiritualist church are good ways of connecting with that person and a good medium will tell you what they are saying, but what if you wanted to connect with them directly, this is where Future Life Progression (FLP) can come in. Future life Progression is a way of taking you into a relaxed state, like a waking dream where your subconscious comes into play and you connect to the universal energies of all possibilities and get to experience/see your future life in 5, 10, 100 years or more to gain knowledge to bring back to your present to help you achieve your goals. But how can this help me meet and connect with a loved one you may ask, surely I can’t contact the dead like mediums or those with a gift have? By going into a future lifetime with FLP you are in a relaxed state that allows the right side of your brain to come into play where you don’t question what is happening but accept what your subconscious is trying to tell you which makes it easier for departed loved ones to connect with you. Because it is in the future you are more open and relaxed to meeting up with your departed loved one then if you were trying to meet up with them now whilst your emotions are still raw or recent, as humans we find it easier to connect with and see the future than with the present. Whilst in a future lifetime you may see that person, hear that person, feel that person or just know that they are with you. They may look the same as they did when you knew them or you both may look different but still have the same energy as this lifetime and recognise each other instantly. You can ask them questions about the present or future, explore your life together in the future or just spend time with them enjoying each other’s company. You are given time to do this and if you never got a chance to say goodbye or say what you wanted them to hear than this will give you the opportunity to do this but you may find that it’s not goodbye but adieu until you meet again and words are just not needed. People I have taken into the future to meet a departed loved one have come back to the present feeling calmer, more present, still feel loved and have the validation that they will see and connect with the person they have lost in the future. Rae Caroline Calnan founder of Radiant Angel Energy who uses Future Life Progression, Past Life Regression, Angelic Reiki, Meditation, Angel Cards and Hypnosis to help those at a crossroads in their lives heal Their Past, create Their Future, Transform Their Present so that they can take charge of their Destiny. www.radiantangelenergy.co.uk
AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
November 2023
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