Kuan Yin Oracle This set of cards was created by Alana Fairchild, illustrations by Zeng Hao
The card is Hear the Yellow Tiger Mother It is a call to stand strong within yourself, to believe in yourself and to trust that all is as it needs to be. Strength is not just the domain of the muscle-man: it is the ability to be incredibly grounded, present and respectful of who we are, where our boundaries lie, when to say yes and when we need to say no. Cultivating discernent is one of the qualities of inner strength and wisdom, when we need to "do" and when we need to stop and just "be". With the gorgeous sun, we are reminded that we are all here incarnate for a purpose: even if we are unsure of what it is and how it will occur, it is appropriate to take stock of how far we have come and to be grateful to our selves, our guides and our higher self for the place we find ourselves in now. Bathe in the glory of who you are and feel the strength of the Divine Female and Male within you, breathe in the sun and moonshine, dance under the stars: celebrate your Divinity and roar with laughter and might! Roar if you need to in pain and fear, release it through your voice and heart and welcome the new you: you have gone through fire, earth, water and air to arrive at this point in time. Be brave, be strong! You are never alone! The dark space nevers lingers for long: it is a gift for us to search for the light and know that it is ever present and always around us: we only closed our eyes to it. The energies of Mother and Father combined are within us, helping us and supporting us and cheering us on. May this day bring you the precious wisdom which you need and the beautiful energies of Kuan Yin, the Merciful, Gracious and Loving One and the energies of the Tiger/Tigress: strong, powerful, focused and sleek. Om Nama Shivaya On Shanti
Wisdom of Avalon and Angels of Atlantis Oracle Decks The Wisdom of Avalon deck is by Collette Baron-Reid and the Angels of Atlantis deck is by Stewart Pearce
The first card from the first deck is The Deer, to me, this is a doe which is a female deer. We are asked to walk our path today with gentleness, each step a celebration and reconnection with Gaia as our feet meet the ground. Take note of how you walk on the ground: take each step and radiate gratitude and blessings to one and all, to the stars and heavenly bodies in the sky, to all fauna and flora of the earth and oceans, to all unseen beings who share this world with us and to all fellow man and woman and child. Let your raising of your feet and the falling of the same be a great celebration of life. This card also speaks of going through changes or having recently transformed, which is why we are asked to stay present, calm and peaceful, treading quietly like the deer, only showing itself in the forest when it wants to. For some, it is time of dwelling within and honouring what is there, loving and integrating it once again. For others it is a time of gradual unveiling of your new and true nature. Perhaps it is the emergence of a quiet, latent strength and a need to now show that to the world. Whichever it is, do it with dignity, peace, calm and grace. The second card is the Archangel Raphael, the Holy Healer and this angel advises us that a Cleansing is required. Using fire and water, we can wash and burn the dross which is no longer us, so that we can walk tall and free, beautiful and powerful expressions of our souls, able to hold greater and greater frequencies of sound, movement and light within these material bodies. Both these cards speak about change and the steps needed, with grace, to enable this to happen gently and swiftly. Remember that a full cup cannot accommodate any more liquid, it needs to be emptied, washed out and filled anew. This is a time of great renewal and rediscovery. It is very exciting but can also be daunting and frightening, but you have the help of Heaven and Earth!! All we need to do is ask and it will be given. So change need not be a dark cavern, full of moving shadows and scary forms, for the Angels will throw sparks of light into all deep areas: you are never alone Beloved. Honour and take care of yourself whilst you undergo these metamorphoses, cleanse your surroundings, invoke the myriad rainbow rays and blissful tones of the Angels to flood your homes and work places and celebrate who you are!! The Rainbow Warrior Angels of Light and the Rainbow Dragons are finding their expression at this time, as the Divine Feminine is re-emerging. Energies long forgotten but never distant. If you feel these energies around you, just take yourself into a quiet pocket of nature or your garden or your room. Light a candle and some incense, connect with Gaia and the sky and open your heart. You will feel a quickening as your intuition strengthens and begins to flower unlike before. Namaste Sat Chit Ananda The Kuan Yin Oracle created by Alana Fairchild Today's card reading draws guidance from the Kuan Yin Oracle by Alana Fairchild with gorgeous illustrations by Zeng Hao and the card today is:
The Yin Empress Divine energies radiate through all dimensions though a myriad range of vibrations and wavelengths through all of creation. All these vibrations and dimensions exist altogether, all here and all now: we can "tune" into them anytime we want and anywhere we want. Home is where we feel comfortable and sufficient and need not necessarily be in one specific geographical location. With this card, we are asked, both men and women to rediscover our feminine power and qualities. This has been suppressed over the past few millennia after a cycle of supression of the masculine qualities. We are now called to move towards balance again, by balancing the masculine and feminine of our inner worlds and by doing this we create balance in the outer world as it is a reflection of that which is within. I have purposely avoided defining this energy as the Divine Mother because the feminine and masculine are not just the mother and father roles respectively. The feminine to me is organic, fluid, it swirls and can change direction in an instant! It is also incredibly powerful but not in a pushing or forceful way, but like an all encompassing embrace: it surrounds us and radiates into our core, ignites our passion and then proceeds to continue its journey, touching everyone who is capable of receiving and feeling this energy. The male is directional and forceful, reminding me of lightning and thunderbolts, equally powerful but is in contrast with the feminine energy. Feminine strength comes from standing one's ground, being honest and in integrity and yet compassionate, all inclusive and all embracing. It helps the sad and lost ones to rise to their feet again and to really connect and feel their divinity and the truth that we are all one and that we are never alone. It is like a cool fire gaining its energy from pure love for all. The male fire is like a raging fire which burns from pure love too: it maintains honour and integrity by just being present, strong and protective, giving the feminine the space to expand and contract. The two cannot exist without the other: they exist for each other. The union of the two produces a finer and higher vibration of love energy which then can manifest into stars and stardust, planets, moons, comets and the stuff or dark matter between these bodies. There are also other manifestations which are not material but are the potential for material and immaterial, waiting to be born in any dimension. The Angels say: come into your power, dance the dance of Creation once more, knowing that it is safe to do so once again. Sing the songs of Creation, bringing the infinite coloured Rainbow into force, flooding all in its power of wisdom, all-knowing, all feeling, all-oneness. Sound the gong, the drum, the cymbals and rattles, declare to the world that you are ready and able, not for bloody battle but for love, the full force of the unconditional love of the Divine. This will create the fusion once again of duality, polarity and separation. Love like you have never loved before, open your hearts and minds to our ministration and adoration! Be the fire that burns infinitely, be the all that is, be the I Am and the I Am that I Am. Om Shanti So be it Today's Archangel card from Stewart Pearce's Angels of Atlantis Oracle cards deck:
Zaphkiel: Surrender Sometimes we hold on to things really tightly, creating burdens for our shoulders which just weigh us down. The Angels are gently asking us to let go, to just let go and let be. By doing this, we accept our nature, we accept our vulnerability which brings great strength even though some may feel that it is a sign of weakness. Let us accept and receive help and energy from the Angelic Kingdom of Light, who are the great creative archteypal energies of the cosmos. "Trust and surrender all that troubles and burdens you and we will take it away, and by doing this, you allow yourself to be open to receive the unconditional love of the Angels and of Source. You see, we can do everything! But what you need to do is to allow yourself to dream and take the first steps to creating your dream in this reality and giving it to us to produce the miracles which will truly manifest them! Surrender your wants and needs to us." "Slumber in our bosom as we pour our love, light and divine sound into your being. We love you: we always have, we do now and we always will." |
AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
November 2023
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