Why I decided to continue to facilitate Angelic Reiki workshops I asked myself this year whether I wanted to continue facilitating Angelic Reiki workshops.
Did it still form part of my purpose and would it continue to bring me fulfilment? And the answer of my Soul is yes. I love facilitating the Angelic Reiki workshops because it is through this system that I really connected to my own Soul/Genius/Highest Creative Potential energy. And the wonderful thing about this is that it also connected me with other peoples' soul energy! It helped me to appreciate that I am not just this personality or ego ruled by fear, anger, depression or anxiety but that there is real gold within which just needs to be unearthed. And also to perceive it in others. Accessing that gold consistently is a challenge and ensuring I follow my dream is another challenge but it is through attending all the four AR workshops that my journey into myself and ultimately out of myself began. I was a complete mess when I attended the first workshop: I was completely disconnected from my emotions, didn’t know what I wanted although I knew what I didn’t want and I was secretly furious within, that anger and rage escaping like a volcano at times, yikes! It was mighty embarrassing. However, with help, awareness and determination, I completed all four Angelic Reiki workshops and began facilitating them in London. There was a lot of change going through my life when all of this happened but it was necessary for my evolution, which continues. Running my own workshops were frightening to begin with and sometimes they still are! What's going to happen??? Did I prepare enough for the workshop??? Will my participants ask really hard questions and I don't immediately know the answer? And many more. But always through every workshop was the constant thread and music of Soul, of the Divine, of all the Magic of each and every participant, because the choice was made to attend and to discover more about ourselves and more about life and the cosmos. And ultimately to move on and evolve with this knowledge and create our dreams. I have found that these workshops were not just for people who wanted to go on to become certified healers but also for those searching for more answers, greater awareness of their true nature, their divinity and their own special type of Magic. This Magic would then have the potential to colour this world with the participants’ unique hues and gastronomic flavours and musical sounds, tones and vibration. Thus I believe, bringing greater art, beauty, pain, sadness and glory of this type of life to our world. You might ask, what do you mean by the pain and sadness? Surely spirituality and healing is all love and light??!! Well, this life is not just all roses and cuddly bright soft toys, it can be hard, dangerous, cruel and nasty. This is the duality of light and dark playing out always. This is our Ego (shadow) and High Self/Soul (Light) and we are both, no matter how much work we do, which still exist side by side influencing all the choices we consciously or subconsciously make. But it is this journey which makes our experiences so rich. My own journey of pain and sadness has equipped me to do this work and to want to help others out of their state of pain and powerlessness into creativity and empowerment through awareness and experience. Without the cr*p, I would not be able to write this or have the desire to teach. I would be doing something else. As I said before, not all who attend decide to become therapists and facilitators of this system which is absolutely fine. But they do leave changed because for that period they glimpsed their true nature, swam in their own Soul energy and recognised the Divinity in themselves and others too, shattering the illusion of separation. I love these workshops also because they demonstrate in a very practical grounded way that we are all magic, we are all Divine, and there is so much greatness in each and every one of us. The exercises take us beyond our ego world into another state altogether. They take us into a state of innocence and pure love, devoid of Ego, fear, anxiety, depression and rage. It takes trust to connect in this way and to become the conduit for the energy of our Soul and the Divine for ourselves and others. All it takes is the openness and a desire for this connection and it can be pretty easy. Each time a person connects to their Soul state, the potential for transformative change for the rest of us increases because we are all connected through energy and through vibration. The potential for the rest of us to achieve that state is increased and made easier by the ones who achieved it previously. So this is why I love running workshops and these ones especially: because they immerse me almost effortlessly into my own Soul energy and the Soul energies of the participants and I actively experience transformation and witness the transformation of others simultaneously. It is such a great privilege and I want to continue to experience this.
AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
November 2023
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