The painful lump in my left breast, and my decision not to have it treated with allopathic medicine.8/2/2021 Using the holistic path to heal myself. Around late January 2021 I discovered as I lay down to sleep that my left breast hurt and upon further investigation discovered a hard painful lump in the centre, rising from the base of the breast up to the nipple. I was shocked at its size and that I had not noticed it before.
My first thought was whether to book myself in to see my GP and have it checked. To be honest I was also worried that it would be diagnosed as a tumour and being of anxious disposition, felt that waiting for a diagnosis would be akin to waiting for a death sentence, especially at a time when the hospitals and NHS were all so oversubscribed. So as I did a few years earlier with the lump on my right breast (this present lump was different which was more worrying for me), I decided that I would work with my own self-healing with Angelic Reiki and sound, and also my trusty homeopath, who helped me with my previous lump on the right breast. At this time, my left elbow, then shoulder and whole arm began to hurt and I started to see my friend who is an osteopath weekly as I could not sleep with the nerve pain without pain killers. My osteopath is also a cranial sacral specialist and works with accupressure. She would ask me as she worked with my body whether any thoughts and feelings arose and there was certainly a lot of stuck old thoughts and emotions which came out at this time. I gave myself six months to clear the lump and if it did not imporve by 100% I would then book an appointment with my doctor and subject myself to the scrutiny of strangers. I did not tell anyone else about this besides my homeopath and my osteopath. I felt that dealing with my own fear was enough for me at this time. In short, just after two months of homeopathy, osteopathy and self-healing with Angelic Reiki, the large lump disappeared and my breast returned to its old cup size and shape! This route was my decision, I wanted to be responsible for my own healing and to research and choose the therapies which I intuitively believed would help me with this. With the lump in my right breast, it took seven months and I worked with the same homeopath, with my own self-healing and also with a sound healer. All disease arises from our disconnection from our souls. We forget who we are and that we are immensely powerful. Disconnection affects how we think and feel about ourselves and our place and role in this world and the universe too. The subconscious contains so many of these thoughts and feelings that we are hardly conscious about the constant inner talk which goes on in the background and how this materialises in our bodies, usually in a detrimental way. I certainly found this out with the cathartic releases with my osteopath and the changes in my thoughts and feelings with the homeopathy and the daily self-healing sessions. And my body responded. Even though I really respect doctors and the medical path, and I believe they do their utmost best for everyone, they do not receive training in the larger picture, in our emotional and mental aspects and how these affect and cause discomfort and diseases in our bodies. Certainly the spiritual is not part of the allopathic route either. It does not tackle the actual cause but the symptoms caused by the root of the matter. I wanted to share this experience as a means of hope and to encourage everyone to dig further into their own path and journey to wholeness. It is so important to research what can help you besides the allopathic route, or even to receive complementary and alternative therapies alongside medical treatment. Sometimes we need a mixture of surgery and energy work to fully heal. My sessions with you will help you to reconnect with your soul which is where the true healing occurs. But it is the decision and intention to do so which sets us on the path of return to self. And the will power to keep going, to keep striving to do this: it is not a one off miracle though sometimes it can be! Our lives require our constant attention and intention to thrive and to create from the heart. Reconnection to our souls begins the journey to healing, even if it means death as I believe it is just a portal to another way of being. We are infinite, only the body returns to the Earth. So please take an active part in your healing, whichever route you take: question everything and every step, check in with your intuition, change direction if needed as this is your body and your life! Take charge of it and be the powerful divine human being that you are and do not judge yourself for being ill or having any sort of disease diagnosis. It is all a journey and an experience. How it runs and completes is up to you. What you choose in terms of treatments is also up to you. Love heals everything, reconnection to our soul brings us back to unconditional love and acceptance. My love to you in your journey, may it be bright and may you thrive! Ananda
AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
November 2023
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