Divine!The image above is by Rassouli
Many of us are on the return journey to Source. This means that we are stepping up to recognising our Divinity and the Divine Light which we are. What does this really mean to you? You may have heard many writers and speakers and spiritual teachers speak about how we are spirit living in a human body. But what do you think about it? I have been writing about this too and this is a synopsis of what it is to me:
Now this is part of my “perfect” list, but it does not mean that I reach those beliefs and goals all the time or even for prolonged periods of time. It is a struggle to work towards unconditional love and compassion for myself, and then to be able to extend it to others. It helps to meditate and connect with myself everyday and to have healing sessions and therapies consistently and more help when I need it. What has becoming clearer this year is that I am really beginning to detach from this need to be unique, to be special, weird or different. And these thoughts have fed my separation from others. So I have begun to truly comprehend that we are all Divine Light, and that the sparks of Source that we are do not need to be different even though we have unique roles in this universe. In fact at the core and Source level, we are not different from each other at all. We are One and this is what I am striving to live all the time. The Divine Light which we all are is the same for each person and for all sentient beings and for the elements and planets and suns, dark matter et al. They might vibrate differently and manifest and materialise in many forms but we are Light and I no longer need to divide oe define Soul from Spirit from Source. This is because the need to define (which I do not like anyway but writing sometimes requires trying to describe the indescribable) takes hold so that I can use the language as a means to express myself. But it really trips me up at times! Too much in the head and not enough in the heart. And some things cannot be fully described, defined or categorised. Spirit or Source cannot be, and that is what we are. Each month, as the Earth rotates and encircles the Sun, we are challenged to perceive the truth of ourselves in different ways. I find that this is a discovery of all the layers which we are, whether you think they are bad or good. With the moon and sun cycles come opportunities to connect deeply within ourselves, become aware of what the prompts for our responses and reactions are and the decision to transmute what we do not want and transform ourselves. This helps us on our sacred journey back to One-ness and whole-ness, our journey towards a more love filled life and a completion of our human cycle in this dimension, the completion of all the karma of many lifetimes. Through the natural cycles we are given glimpses of the web we are, which stretches through all space, time and dimensions and the opportunity to reach out and retrieve parts of ourselves to become whole and well. To become constantly and consciously connected to Source, even in this humble body in this challenging dimension.
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AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
November 2023
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