My perception of what this energy does for the recipient In my morning meditation, I was imagining explaining the potential and effects of Angelic energy when channeled through Angelic Reiki.
I perceived this energy going into the person's physical body as it would usually do, although most times it is not limited to just the physical body but merges with all energetic bodies as well. It went deep into each cell and into all the interstitial spaces between the cells, enveloped all cell membranes as well as it did so. I could "see" or perceive that the energy went deeper beyond the physical cells into the atoms, and into the spaces between the electrons and protons and further into the smaller particles and into the infinite space occupied by these particles . It was just space beyond that, as I have no reference to anything in my mind other than this, no other visual data in my mind however, this remineded me of outer space where all constellations, galaxies, solar systems, comets et al, float or have their positions in. This was inner space, a reflection of outer space which we know to be infinite. The Angelic energy moved into our inner space where all our atoms and all particles which make up our bodies are: and then it moved out again and in its wake provided the energy for a quickening of the rate of spin and vibration of these sub atomic and atomic particles. The Angelic energies moved in a cyclical way, back and forth within the boundaries of the physical body and energetic bodies into all parts which comprise it at the atomic and subatomic level and whatever that would be for the energy bodies too. This was the first time I have ever perceived it in this way. What it was doing was bringing energy to all these parts so that the movement and vibration of these parts was faster: the spin of the electrons was faster, the movement of particles faster and this spread out to the whole body affecting the physical, mental and emotional states in a positive way. The increase in speed was subtle but the effect spread through the whole body system of the person. It also swept through the outer extent of the body as it did so, increasing its vibration gradually as it did so, like the gradual revving of an engine. We know that energy can never be destroyed, it just changes. The higher the vibration, the more light I believe is emitted, the sound finer and louder, the brain processes greater, the emotional state more balanced as the movement shifts stagnant and blocked energy from all parts. And this is what happens to us when we merge with Angelic energies, at least from what I can perceive at this point in time, and it could be different tomorrow. This has been happening for a while as I perceived it differently in the first years I was working with this energy. The potential for postive change is so great when we channel and receive this energy but I feel that the Angelic vibrations are so key to this time. I have yet to ask to perceive the effect and path the Holy Fire Reiki energy does for us but will do so over the next few days and weeks and report back here. In a way, the Angelic energies when they work like this remind us on some level that we are infinite, there is infinity within our physical bodies, and that the capacity of our bodies is so great we have yet to understand it and its potential to surpass space and time. They remind us and reconnect us to what we would call Divine as we understand it to be infinite, never ending, limitless. But there we have this within our bodies too, yet when do we marvel at this? It is time to investigate this capacity more, to appreciate our bodies more and to work with it for supreme health and intelligence.
AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
November 2023
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