Time to clear out our spaces, of material things we no longer need and old energies too....7/31/2015 Why it is just as important to keep your spaces clean, lean and clear as it is to dust, brush, hoover and mop! All inanimate objects absorb energy.
Crystals too absorb energies and they also radiate them and require rigorous cleansing if we actively work with them. Our homes and gardens may have years and even centuries of accumulated energies which impact on our lives and our pets. Can you imagine what the energies are like if your housing estate was built on old burial land or on the site of old battlefields or adjacent to an old prison? And also the effect of underwater streams and leylines which run under our buildings. There can be discordant energies which have been absorbed by the walls, floor and ceilings of our dwelling from people who have come to stay or visit us or who have lived there for years. There can also be entities and discarnates who may inhabit the same space as we do, affecting us subtly with their own plethora of programmes and needs. It's fine if we are influenced by positive loving energies but the negative ones need to be cleared and transmuted so that we can radiate our own unbridled and unadulterated energy. I clear and transmute my home on a weekly basis with Angelic Reiki and also by playing the gong and sounding to ensure a clean and clear environment for me and my daughter and cats to live in and also to provide the most perfect space for the facilitation of all workshops held here. However, when I used the SRT means of clearing and transmuting my dwelling, there was definitely a change which we all felt and I use this every few months and especially immediately after arguements or disagreements!! Everything we feel and say is logged in our dwelling and radiated back to us once again, it is a constant flowing cycle. It is so important to care not just for our bodies but also for our environments, our dwellings and work places too. And this includes not just physical cleaning, but energetic cleansing and care. So I have on offer for August 2015, a special price for clearing and transmuting dwellings: £44 instead of £55 and will include a conversation of what was found via skype or an email of the findings of the research and transmuting. Please contact me if you would like to take up this offer. Here are some suggestions for how you can keep your home and work place energetically sparkling! Generally speaking, with fire (incense and sage or essential oils in a burner, tealights, candles, please be safe with them!), light (draw all the curtains in the day time), air (movement or having your little child rush all over the place, in and out of all rooms singing at the top of their voices!!), sound (toning, singing and chimes) pictures, flowers, crystals and energetic cleansing. 1 Ventilate it as often as possible, open all the windows and back and front doors too, as the air movement will help to refresh and and remove old stagnant energy, this includes thoughts too! 2 Burn incense regularly or sacred sage and ensure the smoke produced wafts into all the rooms, including all the corners and bring the lit incense/sage to waft into all cupboards too: sometimes little creatures like elementals will hide here and also old thought forms.... 3 Place charged/blessed and thoroughly cleansed crystals like amethyst clusters in all the rooms, or you can have themed rooms, so you could have a love room with rose quartzes, a cerebral room with clear quartzes and turqoises, and a chill-out and joy room with agates, rubys and citrines! There are so many crystals to choose from, we could write pages and pages about them! You could even follow the colour theme of each of your rooms and buy corresponding crystals to match, what fun! 4 Invoke the angels and masters to clear, transmute and bless the rooms: so you could call upon Michael (pronounce the name in the traditional way: Mi-Ka-El 3 times) and if you have a connection with Mother Mary or Jesus, you could invoke them too and ask for blessings for yourself and your dwelling/office. 5 Place angel, geometry, ascended masters and star master cards, fairy and dolphin cards, or icons of saints, whichever you fancy, there are so many of them! And you can place them on the window cills, on your coffee/tea table and you can change them whenever you feel like it. 6 Create an altar with flowers, angel/spirit animal cards, crystals, pictures, icons, poetry, pictures of your family, friends and pets and use it to bless your life, home and people and beings you love. 7 Light a candle and bless it with loving thoughts for all sentient beings at the start of the day. You can also buy the himalayan salt lamps as some are made to hold little tea lights and some accommodate eletric lighting too. 8 Tone and sing in your space or play chimes or the gong. I have found the gong is a great way to have a thorough clean out as I play my gong quite loudly (poor nieghbours!!). You can also use shamanic drums and ratlles too. 9 Place cards with the pentagram (five pointed star) in every room, this holds the energy of love therefore anything which does not resonate with this energy clears out quick! 10 Plants can be very soothing and produce oxygen during the day so we all benefit! You can have orchids which do not require much care, some people like money plants and there are many indoor plants to choose from. 11 Borrow a cat if you do not already have a feline friend. Someone once told me that cats (and dogs) can see into other dimensions and are gatekeepers into other worlds. I do not know how true this is, but they can keep a home energetically clear! Let them enter all the rooms, into the cupboards and let them have a good sniff around! It does help! 12 It's a really good idea to vacuum, have a clear out of old clothes and items, clean all duvets and pillows, clear out the larder of old out of date food (yeah, I need to do this..) and give the floors a good mop! Spring cleaning really is a great idea for rebirthing and renewal and helps to bring in new energies for us to enjoy. 13 I use a ritual which is in every Angelic Reiki manual which dedicates, clears and cleanses spaces for healing and facilitating workshops: this works really well and if anyone would like a copy, I can send it to you by email! You just have to light a candle or any other means to prepare your space, and read it out. Clearing your space energetically can be fun and exciting, so just allow your creativity to guide you in creating a space which reflects who you are and that you can enjoy and others can enjoy safely and beautifully!
Time to be present and grounded in love: unconditional love for yourself. I created this transmission to be used whenever you feel the need, it is just a simple breathing exercise which can help you to access your still centre quickly!
As with all transmissions, the recording holds healing energies to assist you in any way, I hope it serves you well xxx |
AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
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