A Full-On Detox! And Reminder of Facing Core Issues. October was complete chaos and mayhem for me and I had to allow myself to break which helped me to express myself more to loved ones (so that they could understand my decisions and reactions) and also to ask for help (which I do not like.), so it was an experience of breaking to rise and transform again.
And this follows nature in autumn: the trees losing their leaves. To me they look like they are dying, something which has just come up for me as I ponder this and maybe breaking and dying are just gateways for something new. When our hearts break it can feel like we can never love again or that it is unsafe to receive love and give love, but I have found that our hearts are so much stronger than this and that the breaking can help us to grow. We just need to be brave and face the pain, asking for help if needed and giving us time to mend, to transform. I love the Japanese celebration of mending broken pottery: Kiintsugi, pottery re-enlivened with gold and silver used for repairing the cracks and producing an even more beautiful piece of art! From Wikipedia, the meaning of Kintsugi: As a philosophy, kintsugi is similar to the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, an embracing of the flawed or imperfect. Japanese aesthetics values marks of wear from the use of an object. This can be seen as a rationale for keeping an object around even after it has broken; it can also be understood as a justification of kintsugi itself, highlighting cracks and repairs as events in the life of an object, rather than allowing its service to end at the time of its damage or breakage. Let us celebrate our cracks and breaks, for they are testaments to our strength and resilience, our bravery and our ability to thrive and experience joy in the face of hardship and pain. This celebration is also a celebration of the life cycle as we cannot remain maidens and children, but we grow to maturity and wisdom and are able to support ourselves and help each other and our families and communities too. Such purpose is beautiful and can bring so much satisfaction and good for all. I hope that November helps to bring you closer to yourself and to love yourself even deeper. May we all reconnect to our souls, our Divine Selves, ever knowing, ever understanding, ever loving.
What does it really mean? As we enter the darkening time of the year through Autumn, I used to find myself in regret that the light would dim even more over the next few months towards the Winter Solstice. However, over the past few years, I have managed to enjoy this time as the light turns almost golden with an ethereal like quality to it which does not occur at any other season. I would like to think that I am becoming more grounded and am enjoying and appreciating each season and the many faces of nature presented throughout the year. This has taken a lot of personal shadow work, much healing and many hours of traipsing through the woods close by: yes nature has been and continues to be a large part of why I am still here. Having a child has helped immensely too and animal companions and good friends! For me, enjoyment is such a key factor in being present and this forms part of my list of how I would create my Heaven on Earth. For many years I have believed that heaven can be created on earth and it is a state which can be achieved, not one which is projected into the future after a “good” life free of sin and overindulgence. So I have begun to ask myself what it really means for me, this Heaven on Earth thing? Is it a state of mind or a mind-set? Is it necessarily something tangible, something which can be touched and lived? Well this is what I would like Something which is real and tangible:
What would you need and what would you want to experience your heaven on earth? My perception of what this energy does for the recipient In my morning meditation, I was imagining explaining the potential and effects of Angelic energy when channeled through Angelic Reiki.
I perceived this energy going into the person's physical body as it would usually do, although most times it is not limited to just the physical body but merges with all energetic bodies as well. It went deep into each cell and into all the interstitial spaces between the cells, enveloped all cell membranes as well as it did so. I could "see" or perceive that the energy went deeper beyond the physical cells into the atoms, and into the spaces between the electrons and protons and further into the smaller particles and into the infinite space occupied by these particles . It was just space beyond that, as I have no reference to anything in my mind other than this, no other visual data in my mind however, this remineded me of outer space where all constellations, galaxies, solar systems, comets et al, float or have their positions in. This was inner space, a reflection of outer space which we know to be infinite. The Angelic energy moved into our inner space where all our atoms and all particles which make up our bodies are: and then it moved out again and in its wake provided the energy for a quickening of the rate of spin and vibration of these sub atomic and atomic particles. The Angelic energies moved in a cyclical way, back and forth within the boundaries of the physical body and energetic bodies into all parts which comprise it at the atomic and subatomic level and whatever that would be for the energy bodies too. This was the first time I have ever perceived it in this way. What it was doing was bringing energy to all these parts so that the movement and vibration of these parts was faster: the spin of the electrons was faster, the movement of particles faster and this spread out to the whole body affecting the physical, mental and emotional states in a positive way. The increase in speed was subtle but the effect spread through the whole body system of the person. It also swept through the outer extent of the body as it did so, increasing its vibration gradually as it did so, like the gradual revving of an engine. We know that energy can never be destroyed, it just changes. The higher the vibration, the more light I believe is emitted, the sound finer and louder, the brain processes greater, the emotional state more balanced as the movement shifts stagnant and blocked energy from all parts. And this is what happens to us when we merge with Angelic energies, at least from what I can perceive at this point in time, and it could be different tomorrow. This has been happening for a while as I perceived it differently in the first years I was working with this energy. The potential for postive change is so great when we channel and receive this energy but I feel that the Angelic vibrations are so key to this time. I have yet to ask to perceive the effect and path the Holy Fire Reiki energy does for us but will do so over the next few days and weeks and report back here. In a way, the Angelic energies when they work like this remind us on some level that we are infinite, there is infinity within our physical bodies, and that the capacity of our bodies is so great we have yet to understand it and its potential to surpass space and time. They remind us and reconnect us to what we would call Divine as we understand it to be infinite, never ending, limitless. But there we have this within our bodies too, yet when do we marvel at this? It is time to investigate this capacity more, to appreciate our bodies more and to work with it for supreme health and intelligence. Connecting to White Tara 22nd January 2022: A Channelling With22nd January 2022: White Tara I channelled this energy on the 22nd January and found reconnecting a couple of days later to find myself faced with what it means to have compassion for self: it was to give myself time to be quiet and to listen. That anything else was actually a huge distraction as I did not want to see the shadow side of fear and anxiety which was in the background. It has taken many years to deal with fear and anxiety but during this Mercury Retrograde, I find myself going a little deeper into it and finding a different source which needed support and acknowledgement. I felt impoverished and I did not feel at all beautiful and yet this energy of White Tara was around me helping me to see that these thoughts and feelings still existed and the core of myself needed love and acceptance. As I went deeper into myself and my feelings I could feel the support of energy swirling behind me, literally holding my back and it was warm and comforting which helped me to go even deeper into the old wounds and pain which drew tears, shame and sadness. At this time, I did not see the events which caused the pain, but I did not resist and allowed it all to arise to the surface of my consciousness. Why fight when I am facing myself? Why bother to deny when the pain is there? It is certainly real to me. I was ready to let go, ready to move on and to be a little wilder and freer as a result, so I breathed and remained with these feelings until they dissipated, using Ho’opono Pono for love and forgiveness whilst focusing on my heart. I thought I would share this with you as transformation can occur after the events or workshops you may attend, at a quiet moment out of the public eye when we have gifted ourselves a little time and attention. I hope the recording helps you in the most perfect way. with love Ananda The painful lump in my left breast, and my decision not to have it treated with allopathic medicine.8/2/2021 Using the holistic path to heal myself. Around late January 2021 I discovered as I lay down to sleep that my left breast hurt and upon further investigation discovered a hard painful lump in the centre, rising from the base of the breast up to the nipple. I was shocked at its size and that I had not noticed it before.
My first thought was whether to book myself in to see my GP and have it checked. To be honest I was also worried that it would be diagnosed as a tumour and being of anxious disposition, felt that waiting for a diagnosis would be akin to waiting for a death sentence, especially at a time when the hospitals and NHS were all so oversubscribed. So as I did a few years earlier with the lump on my right breast (this present lump was different which was more worrying for me), I decided that I would work with my own self-healing with Angelic Reiki and sound, and also my trusty homeopath, who helped me with my previous lump on the right breast. At this time, my left elbow, then shoulder and whole arm began to hurt and I started to see my friend who is an osteopath weekly as I could not sleep with the nerve pain without pain killers. My osteopath is also a cranial sacral specialist and works with accupressure. She would ask me as she worked with my body whether any thoughts and feelings arose and there was certainly a lot of stuck old thoughts and emotions which came out at this time. I gave myself six months to clear the lump and if it did not imporve by 100% I would then book an appointment with my doctor and subject myself to the scrutiny of strangers. I did not tell anyone else about this besides my homeopath and my osteopath. I felt that dealing with my own fear was enough for me at this time. In short, just after two months of homeopathy, osteopathy and self-healing with Angelic Reiki, the large lump disappeared and my breast returned to its old cup size and shape! This route was my decision, I wanted to be responsible for my own healing and to research and choose the therapies which I intuitively believed would help me with this. With the lump in my right breast, it took seven months and I worked with the same homeopath, with my own self-healing and also with a sound healer. All disease arises from our disconnection from our souls. We forget who we are and that we are immensely powerful. Disconnection affects how we think and feel about ourselves and our place and role in this world and the universe too. The subconscious contains so many of these thoughts and feelings that we are hardly conscious about the constant inner talk which goes on in the background and how this materialises in our bodies, usually in a detrimental way. I certainly found this out with the cathartic releases with my osteopath and the changes in my thoughts and feelings with the homeopathy and the daily self-healing sessions. And my body responded. Even though I really respect doctors and the medical path, and I believe they do their utmost best for everyone, they do not receive training in the larger picture, in our emotional and mental aspects and how these affect and cause discomfort and diseases in our bodies. Certainly the spiritual is not part of the allopathic route either. It does not tackle the actual cause but the symptoms caused by the root of the matter. I wanted to share this experience as a means of hope and to encourage everyone to dig further into their own path and journey to wholeness. It is so important to research what can help you besides the allopathic route, or even to receive complementary and alternative therapies alongside medical treatment. Sometimes we need a mixture of surgery and energy work to fully heal. My sessions with you will help you to reconnect with your soul which is where the true healing occurs. But it is the decision and intention to do so which sets us on the path of return to self. And the will power to keep going, to keep striving to do this: it is not a one off miracle though sometimes it can be! Our lives require our constant attention and intention to thrive and to create from the heart. Reconnection to our souls begins the journey to healing, even if it means death as I believe it is just a portal to another way of being. We are infinite, only the body returns to the Earth. So please take an active part in your healing, whichever route you take: question everything and every step, check in with your intuition, change direction if needed as this is your body and your life! Take charge of it and be the powerful divine human being that you are and do not judge yourself for being ill or having any sort of disease diagnosis. It is all a journey and an experience. How it runs and completes is up to you. What you choose in terms of treatments is also up to you. Love heals everything, reconnection to our soul brings us back to unconditional love and acceptance. My love to you in your journey, may it be bright and may you thrive! Ananda "For every perceived problem, there is a solution" I would like to share my blog which came through as words in my mind last Friday, I wish I had grabbed my phone and spoken them out as it has taken some time to recollect them and to present them in a way which is congruent with the original words and vibration. I have added some of my own views in Itallics.
The writing may seem weird but I think we have to remember that we are all here as Spirit having a human experience, finding our way back to remembering that we are indeed Spirit and Divine. The words in Italics are my views, the others come from the Angelic Kingdom of Light. For all actions which seem to take you away from your soul connection, from your Divine vibration, there are actions available which help you to return and reconnect to your soul. I believe that Nature has remedies for every ailment be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Look at the flower remedies, herbs and plant medicines, crystal elixirs too and how Forest Bathing, a term and definition coined by Japanese scientists help us to come back into equilibrium with ourselves and how this can affect our health. All form materialises through the Archetypal Forces of Creation: Angels/Angles. All these actions can be viewed by yourselves as destructive or creative: it depends on your own perception. For example, the idea or the theory that there are Black Holes in the centres of Galaxies and these are constantly sucking matter into them, constant destruction here. Now scientists believe they are portals into other galaxies or universes. This has come from a change in our perception of what is possible and directly linked to our consciousness and openness to these views as a collective. When there is a “new” intention, or new human inventions, at some level there are always angelic forces involved. This is true for any intention, even if it comes from a desire to control and manipulate or if it comes from love. The intentions may also be interpreted as dastardly and evil or loving and benevolent. This is again your perception. Of course there are and can be consequences across all space and time of these intentions. We repeat: For every creation, be it in your perception that it is a flaw or a problem to you, be assured that there is always a solution. Where there is will and intention, we as the hands of the Divine are the programmes which move it into materialisation. Even if you perceive it as good or evil. We do not judge, we merely serve as the Hands of the Divine in our capacity as archetypal energies of creation. The angels you call upon for support and guidance are the Angels who serve in this capacity. These are the Angels assigned for this purpose by Source. The Angels who are involved in what you view as destruction, control or manipulation, these are also assigned by Source. This Universe is a great platform for all types of intention and creation. Other universes may be governed by different Laws pertinent to their own creation, intention and evolution. Other Universes will have their own orders of Angels or Archetypal Energies of Creation which you may perceive differently: they may seem violent and destructive or chaotic, with no logic, but that may be the intention for that Universe. Source is so vast, it is impossible to describe in words. You may touch this part of yourself as you are Divine too and hold Source within you, your Monad, your High Self, your Soul, through meditation, through any discipline or joyful action which helps you to connect to your Self. Love is the path to remembrance, love is the key to transformation and change. As Love as a vibration reaches higher octaves, it changes into Enlightenment, Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy and further octaves which you do not have words for at present. As you experience greater Love, your consciousness will have more words to describe these levels of Love. All is evolving. We are here for you, call upon us when you need us. The Angelic Kingdom Of Light Channeled by Ananda 28th May 2021. |
AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
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