"For every perceived problem, there is a solution" I would like to share my blog which came through as words in my mind last Friday, I wish I had grabbed my phone and spoken them out as it has taken some time to recollect them and to present them in a way which is congruent with the original words and vibration. I have added some of my own views in Itallics.
The writing may seem weird but I think we have to remember that we are all here as Spirit having a human experience, finding our way back to remembering that we are indeed Spirit and Divine. The words in Italics are my views, the others come from the Angelic Kingdom of Light. For all actions which seem to take you away from your soul connection, from your Divine vibration, there are actions available which help you to return and reconnect to your soul. I believe that Nature has remedies for every ailment be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Look at the flower remedies, herbs and plant medicines, crystal elixirs too and how Forest Bathing, a term and definition coined by Japanese scientists help us to come back into equilibrium with ourselves and how this can affect our health. All form materialises through the Archetypal Forces of Creation: Angels/Angles. All these actions can be viewed by yourselves as destructive or creative: it depends on your own perception. For example, the idea or the theory that there are Black Holes in the centres of Galaxies and these are constantly sucking matter into them, constant destruction here. Now scientists believe they are portals into other galaxies or universes. This has come from a change in our perception of what is possible and directly linked to our consciousness and openness to these views as a collective. When there is a “new” intention, or new human inventions, at some level there are always angelic forces involved. This is true for any intention, even if it comes from a desire to control and manipulate or if it comes from love. The intentions may also be interpreted as dastardly and evil or loving and benevolent. This is again your perception. Of course there are and can be consequences across all space and time of these intentions. We repeat: For every creation, be it in your perception that it is a flaw or a problem to you, be assured that there is always a solution. Where there is will and intention, we as the hands of the Divine are the programmes which move it into materialisation. Even if you perceive it as good or evil. We do not judge, we merely serve as the Hands of the Divine in our capacity as archetypal energies of creation. The angels you call upon for support and guidance are the Angels who serve in this capacity. These are the Angels assigned for this purpose by Source. The Angels who are involved in what you view as destruction, control or manipulation, these are also assigned by Source. This Universe is a great platform for all types of intention and creation. Other universes may be governed by different Laws pertinent to their own creation, intention and evolution. Other Universes will have their own orders of Angels or Archetypal Energies of Creation which you may perceive differently: they may seem violent and destructive or chaotic, with no logic, but that may be the intention for that Universe. Source is so vast, it is impossible to describe in words. You may touch this part of yourself as you are Divine too and hold Source within you, your Monad, your High Self, your Soul, through meditation, through any discipline or joyful action which helps you to connect to your Self. Love is the path to remembrance, love is the key to transformation and change. As Love as a vibration reaches higher octaves, it changes into Enlightenment, Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy and further octaves which you do not have words for at present. As you experience greater Love, your consciousness will have more words to describe these levels of Love. All is evolving. We are here for you, call upon us when you need us. The Angelic Kingdom Of Light Channeled by Ananda 28th May 2021.
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AuthorAnanda is a crystal-crazy therapist, an Archives
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